To my patient who is going to lose her hair from chemotherapy (Podcast)

***CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PODCAST*** “I understand that the biggest fear you have about going through chemotherapy is losing your hair. I just want to tell you. You will be fine. Trust me. I know it’s barbaric. Why don’t we have medicines to treat cancer that will not make you lose your hair in …

To my patient who is going to lose her hair from chemotherapy (Podcast) Read More »

Medicine’s science has advanced. Medicine’s art has stalled (Podcast)

***CLICK HERE*** TO VEW THE PODCAST “I was a bit nervous about how she would perceive my advice. She could find it inappropriate and report me for making personal remarks. But I believe she sensed the sincerity in my words and appeared invigorated, uplifted, and excited. She was smiling now and exclaimed, ‘Doctor, you will …

Medicine’s science has advanced. Medicine’s art has stalled (Podcast) Read More »

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